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Nearly Half of Gen Zers Say They’re Living a ‘Double Life’ Online

Nearly Half of Gen Zers Say They’re Living a ‘Double Life’ Online

Gen Z is taking their “finsta” to a whole new level.

A survey conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Lenovo found that 46% of Gen Z feel like they live a “double life” online. Nearly half of Gen Z admitted they their personality online is much different from how they present themselves in the real world. That’s much higher than other generations who feel the same way with 38% of millennials, 18% of Gen Xers and 8% of baby boomers claiming to live “double life” online.

Respondents shared that they feel more comfortable expressing themselves online. Fifty-three percent of Gen Zers admitted it’s easier to be vocal about their opinions online — whether it be political takes, fears and insecurities, dreams and ambitions. Additionally, Gen Zers said that their online persona has much clearer likes/dislikes, different likes/dislikes and more controversial opinions and values than their real-life personality.

For a generation that supposedly values authenticity, something’s not adding up.

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