Buzzworthy Archives - RELEVANT Life at the intersection of faith and culture. Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:07:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Buzzworthy Archives - RELEVANT 32 32 214205216 The Internet Is Hilariously Roasting Joel Osteen After Tweeting About the ‘Simple Things’ in Life Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:06:18 +0000 The Internet is not letting Lakewood Church pastor and televangelist Joel Osteen off the hook after he posted a tweet encouraging others to enjoy the “simple things in life” even if you don’t “have a lot of resources.”

It’s not an uncommon sentiment to hear from a pastor, but many online users pointed out that Osteen might not be the best spokesperson for that message. After all, Osteen’s estimated net worth is at least $50 million, and his two homes in Texas have a combined value of $13.4 million.

X users were quick to start their unofficial Osteen Roast, letting the megachurch pastor know he might need to think before he tweets.

Eternal Real Estate? A Church in Mexico Is Selling Plots of Land in Heaven Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:24:20 +0000 A church in Mexico is helping people prep for eternity by selling plots of land in heaven.

According to the pastor of Entoms, who claims to have received “permission from God,” the church is offering heavenly real estate for the simple price of $100 per square meter.

Pictures of the offer have been circulating on social media, showing a brochure with an elaborate depiction of a holy house in the clouds. The illustration features a family ascending a golden staircase to their new celestial home. The brochure also clarifies that the church accepts various payment options, including PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard and American Express, as well as available payment plans.

One real estate influencer on TikTok asserted that millions of dollars worth of these heavenly plots have already been sold in what is being called the “biggest real estate deal on the planet.”

Unfortunately, this is not the first instance of someone attempting to sell real estate in heaven. In 2018, a Zimbabwean pastor was arrested after selling “tickets to heaven” to his congregation for $533 per person. Similarly, last year, an Ugandan pastor persuaded many of his followers to liquidate their assets, including land and livestock, to fund their eternal purchases.

Maybe one day these scammers will realize access to Heaven is, quite famously, free to everyone.

Is Beth Moore Leaving X? Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:20:37 +0000 Yesterday, X updated its user policy to officially allow adult content on the platform, “provided it’s properly labeled and not prominently displayed.” Following the news, speaker and author Beth Moore shared a thoughtful response where she wondered if it was time to finally leave the platform behind.

“This dramatically changes things,” Moore wrote. “I’ve so not wanted to leave this site because of the community we developed. Dialogue. Insight. Hilarity. Silliness. The praying for one another. Celebrating victories and mourning losses. What shall we do?

“One thing that worries me is that we surely have numerous people in our community who’ve struggled with [porn],” she continued. “Is it irresponsible of us, then, to stay? If I were a recovering alcoholic, for instance, I’d very much wish my friends would think of a different place to meet up than a bar. Get what I’m saying? On the other hand, will we ultimately have this issue wherever we go? Are there settings here we can change?”

Moore has grown a large following on X over the years, letting people in on everything from her daily activities to deeper thoughts on faith and theology — which has made her name a trending topic on more than one occasion. She’s stuck around through lots of changes on the platforms, but it looks like Musk’s latest move could be the final straw.

“Some of y’all reading this will not understand why we’re making such a big deal of it — I mean, just move to Threads and be done with it — but many of us can tell you we survived some of the worst seasons of our lives together here,” Moore concluded. “Disrupting the community we found here — new friends we made who are now important to our well-being — will be like leaving our hometown.”

We Asked: The Craziest Thing You’ve Seen At Church Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:00:21 +0000 If you’ve been in church before, you know it’s not necessarily known for its humor. However, that doesn’t mean that hilarious or outrageous things don’t happen during services. Sometimes you witness things like flaming monster trucks or sword-swallowing acrobatics, which got us thinking about other instances people have witnessed in church.

We searched the internet looking for the funniest or craziest things people have witnessed at church. We covered a few on the latest episode of The RELEVANT Podcast, but here are a few more we wanted to share:


The part-time pastor, part-time wrestling show worker is not a typical combination you see these days.


This is actually a cautionary tale of playing with fire.


Sure, that’s what he said he was doing…


Well, did you pray for him?!


That’s one way to get the church on their feet!


Uh, so what did she call the judge?


Well, that’s one way to do it!


Kids really do say the darndest things.


Your baby cousin has impeccable timing.


Ah, so your brother was trying to still his brother’s blessing. Where have we heard this story before…?


Did you still tell her “bless you” after this? Because it sounds like she needed it.


This pastor sounds like he’s trying on a career as a comedian.


If my nickname was the “toothless preacher” I would simply move states and change my name (or at least change my dentist).


When Paul wrote “pray about everything,” we aren’t sure this is what he had in mind.


Simple, but effective.


And we’re sure this story was used as a sermon illustration for years to come.


This is downright diabolical. Hilarious, but diabolical.


What were strikes one and two?


We bet God got a good chuckle out that, too.


“Feet” and “bread” do not belong in the same sentence.

The Pringles x Crocs Crossover Nobody Asked For Is Here Wed, 17 Apr 2024 22:01:21 +0000 Pringles has teamed up with Crocs to create an ankle holster for your potato chips. No, this is not a delayed April Fool’s product.


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The “Pringles X Crocs” collab dropped limited-time shoes this week, ranging from $50-100, in both men’s and women’s sizes.

First up, there’s the “Classic Crush” boots, which come with a mini-can of a new Pringles flavor called “Croc-tail Party,” which tastes like “watermelon chili lime.” That’s exactly the flavor no one wants from a potato chip.


Then there are the multi-colored “Classic Clogs” and “Classic Slides.” Each pair comes with charms called “Jibbitz” that can be plugged into holes on top of the shoes, to make sure everyone knows you’re the No. 1 Pringles fan.




Ahead of the release, Pringles’ parent company Kellanova, which spun off from Kellogg last year, sent the Classic Crush boots to influencers in order to generate some buzz. Pringles fanatics Ashlee Simpson and her husband Evan Ross decided they were the perfect boots for Coachella. So if you feel like matching with a couple of D-list celebrities, run, don’t walk, to the official Crocs website to get your own pair.

Steven Furtick’s Barber Is Going Full Defense Over the Pastor’s Haircut Wed, 17 Apr 2024 21:42:10 +0000 Weeks after Elevation Church went viral for how they do and don’t talk about Easter, another “controversy” has gone viral, this time over Pastor Steven Furtick’s sweater and haircut.

It all started when Furtick wore a $2,000 Givenchy sweater on Easter Sunday. X and Instagram users drudged up years-old arguments about preachers purchasing high-end clothing — a conversation that is somehow not totally exhausted in 2024. But one user, Trey Ferguson, wanted to direct everyone’s attention to a more important matter regarding Furtick: his haircut.

“Y’all so worried about the sweater that we about to let him slide for the haircut?” Ferguson said in a video posted on his social media channels.

Ferguson then compared Furtick’s haircut to everything from a coach’s offensive line on a junior varsity football team to “an unrighteous gemstone.” He also said Furtick’s haircut “looks like he goes to a Black barber if that Black barber was raised by white people.”

That final comment garnered some backlash of its own… from Furtick’s actual barber.

In a response to the video on Instagram, user @flytonair clarified he was Furtick’s barber but he was not raised by white people. He defended Furtick’s looks before going in on Ferguson’s appearance. The entire thing is a vicious clapback — here are a few highlights:

  • “You have no hairline and a chin strap beard that doesn’t connect.”
  • “You look like a low-budget Risk Ross if he was on drugs.”
  • “You look like a hood Forrest Whittaker in a $6 hoodie.”
  • “The low-budget Steve Harvey look doesn’t work for you, sir.”

Furtick’s barber concluded his response by asking, “How about lifting up the preacher and less focus on the outfit and the cut? Isn’t that what you are called to do! Or maybe you called yourself?”


Of course, that wasn’t the end of the conversation. The two went back and forth exchanging insults on IG. If you’ve got some time to spare, you’ll definitely want to take a scroll down the comment section.


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The latest update is that pastor Trey’s mom has entered the chat. She was NOT having it with this barber insulting her son…’s mother.


Welcome to the churchy version of the Drake/Rick Ross feud.

Mark Driscoll Was Kicked Off Stage At a Men’s Conference For Calling Out Male Stripper’s Performance Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:37:18 +0000 Mark Driscoll is going viral after being kicked off stage at a Christian men’s conference for how he expressed concern about the conference’s opening act.

The 2024 Stronger Men’s Conference at James River Church in Springfield, Missouri, led by John Lindell, invited Alex Magala to perform as the conference opener. Magala is a former stripper and pole dancer who was featured on Britain’s Got Talent for a dangerous sword-swallowing routine. During the performance, Maglea tore off his shirt, swallowed a sword and climbed up a pole with the sword still in his mouth. The performance, as seen below, was met with roaring applause.

However, when Driscoll — who has spoken at the conference previously — got up on stage, he condemned the act, calling out the conference leaders for letting in a “Jezebel spirit.” Here’s what he had to say:

“Let me do this: I’ve been up since one o’clock in the morning. The reason I’m hoarse is I have been praying for you and my heart is very burdened for you. And I want to be very careful with this and it’s not what I want to say, but the Jezebel spirit has already been here. The Jezebel spirit opened our event. This is a rebuke and a correction of no one. This is an observation. Before the Word of God was opened, there was a platform. It was a high place. On it was a pole of Asherah. The same thing that’s used in a strip club for women who have the Jezebel spirit to seduce men. In front of that was a man who ripped his shirt off like a woman does in front of a pole at a strip club. That man then ascended. See, our God is not arrogant. He doesn’t ascend. Our God is humble, he descends. And then-“

Driscoll was then cut off by Lindell, who yelled out, “Wrong time Mark!” and walked on stage to kick off Driscoll. As he was leaving the stage, the crowd began to boo, although it’s unclear if it was aimed at Driscoll or Lindell.

Lindell then took over and shared his shock at Driscoll’s statements and called Driscoll out for being “out of line.”

“If Mark wanted to say that, he should have said it to me first, but he didn’t,” Lindell said. “Matthew 18: ‘If your brother offends you, go to him privately.’ I talked to Mark for a half hour. There was not one word of that. He’s out of line. If you want to say it, he can say it to me. You may not agree with me. You may not agree with him. But we are brothers in Christ and there’s a right way to handle this.

“I’m telling you, I’m not going to sit back and watch someone do publicly what they should have done privately,” Lindell continued. “As a pastor and a man of God, I’ll call another man of God out. I love Mark, but he was out of line. I have a responsibility spiritually for this event. We saw 530 people come to Christ. We’re going to conduct ourselves in a Christian manner and we’re going to go according to the Bible, and the Bible tells us how that should have been resolved, and it wasn’t.”

This isn’t the first time the Stronger Men’s Conference has received backlash for their theatrical performances. In 2022, the conference went viral for featuring flaming monster truck stunts.

Rapture Watch: Why Some Christians Think the Solar Eclipse Will Actually Be the Second Coming of Christ Fri, 05 Apr 2024 22:09:56 +0000 As millions of Americans are preparing to see today’s rare total solar eclipse, some Christians are gearing up for the rapture.

That’s right, while everyone else is looking to the sun, others are thinking about The Son. (You might want to put on your tin foil hat for this one.)

It all began with an image that points to southern Illinois as the spot where the next eclipse is going to intersect with the path of the 2017 North American eclipse.

Two yellow lines cross over southern Illinois on a map showing North America.
Eclipse maps published by Michael Zeiler, CC BY-NCC

From this image, two theories have been birthed. First off, there’s this idea that these eclipses are seven years apart, and if you know anything about biblical symbolism, you know seven is a holy number that symbolizes completeness. Secondly, when you map out these eclipse paths, they resemble a cross.

So, naturally, some Christians are seeing this as a major sign. But before we all start building underground bunkers, let’s hit the brakes and look at this logically.

First off, solar eclipses aren’t exactly rare sightings. According to NASA, there has been an average of 2.5 eclipses every year for the past 1,000 years. They happen when the moon photobombs the sun passes between the Earth and the sun and blots out all or some of the sun’s light. They only seem rare because they affect a narrow strip of land that falls in the shadow of the moon.

And the whole eclipse path-crossing thing? Not as extraordinary as it sounds. Maps of other eclipses show that overlapping happens frequently.

A world map with countries in green being crisscrossed by blue lines.
Map of the world charting the paths of eclipses between 2001 and 2025. All but two of these paths intersect. Eclipse map predictions courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Now, some might argue that the 2017 and 2024 North American eclipses are special because of that seven-year gap. And that would be interesting — if they were actually seven years apart. The actual gap between those two events is six and a half years, or precisely 2,422 days if you’re counting.

This new theory isn’t a complete surprise, as religious theories have often been intertwined with astronomical events. In December 2020, for example, many Christians believed the planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn signaled the return of the “Star of Bethlehem.” Televangelist John Hagee has spent the last decade trying to convince everyone that “blood moons” are signs of the impending apocalypse. One of the most tragic examples in recent history is the religious cult of Heaven’s Gate, where members believed there was a spacecraft hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bopp Comet and they only way to access the ship was through a ritualized, mass suicide.

So, maybe let’s not jump to conclusions just yet.

7-Eleven Wants to Destroy Humanity By Selling Hot Dog Water Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:34:57 +0000 Folks, we need to talk. Sparkling water options have gotten out of control, and it’s time for us to come together and put our feet down.

At the beginning, it was all good and fine. LaCroix had normal flavors, like lemon or lime. If you were feeling adventurous, you could try grapefruit or cran-raspberry. But all too soon, more brands started showing up and introducing more exotic flavors, trying to stand out. Which is how we eventually ended up with “bright ideas” like pickle seltzers.

But these “innovators” have now gone too far. Because today, 7-Eleven announced the most disgustingly ambitious drink yet: the world’s first hot dog-flavored seltzer water.

The convenience store’s collaboration with Miracle Seltzer will feature four new flavors of 7-Select sparkling waters: Lemon Lime, Green Apple, Sweet Orange, and yes, the Big Bite Hot Dog. Inspired by 7-Eleven’s ubiquitous hot dogs — you know, the ones on the rollers — the seltzer is said to taste just like the iconic hand-held meat, with ketchup and mustard included.

According to a press release from 7-Eleven, “Gone are the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage,” because “now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles.”

The flavor is slated to roll out on April 1, meaning this could all be a cruel and disgusting April Fools’ joke. For the sake of humanity, we really hope it is.


Apocalypse Watch: Chick-fil-A Is Experimenting With Pizza Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:01:57 +0000 Imagine this: a classic Chick-fil-A sandwich, but like deconstructed in pizza form.

Well, that’s the exact concoction someone at Chick-fil-A has cooked up. 

The Christian chicken chain is currently testing pizza as a new menu item at their spinoff concept Little Blue Menu in Washington, D.C. Brave customers can get the Chick-fil-A Classic Pizza Pie, comprised of chopped Chick-fil-A nuggets, Chick-fil-A sauce and pickles all on top of mozzarella cheese. 

A picture related to the news article about Chick-fil-A's Spinoff Restaurant launching pizzas, no identifiable celebrity faces in the image.

Chick-fil-A is also testing normal pizza options: Buff-lo Ranch Pizza Pie, Cheese Pizza Pie, Pepperoni Pizza Pie and Meats-n-Veg Pizza Pie. Although to be fair, it’s hard to imagine any of these options making it to the big leagues nationwide. Who would go to Chick-fil-A for a pizza? That’s like going to a steakhouse for noodles. 

For anyone who is willing to try a reinvented pizza, Little Blue Menu starts rolling out the pies today.

Activist and Former Pastor Shaun King Converts to Islam Mon, 11 Mar 2024 17:13:11 +0000 King, a prominent activist and former Christian pastor, announced he converted to Islam after witnessing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. “I don’t know that I would be here today without the past six months of suffering and pain and trauma that we’ve seen in Gaza,” King said. “It has touched me in the most…]]> Shaun King, a prominent activist and former Christian pastor, announced he converted to Islam after witnessing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“I don’t know that I would be here today without the past six months of suffering and pain and trauma that we’ve seen in Gaza,” King said. “It has touched me in the most profound ways to see people right now in the most dangerous, traumatic place on the planet still be able to sometimes look at nothing but rubble and the remains of their family, and still see meaning and purpose in life.”

In a video shared to Facebook, King and his wife Rai recite the shahadah, the Muslim profession of faith, under the guidance of Palestinian-American imam Omar Suleiman at a mosque in Dallas, Texas. King explained that his decision to convert to Islam stemmed not only from what he’s witnessed in Gaza, but also from his admiration for Malcolm X’s legacy and his deep connections with Muslim friends.

King worked as a pastor at Total Grace Christian Church in DeKalb County, Georgia, before launching Courageous Church in Atlanta in 2008. During his four years as pastor, he made use of social media to bring in new members, earning him the nickname “The Facebook Pastor.” King also began to use social media to raise awareness for social justice issues. In 2012, King resigned from Courageous Church, citing “personal stress and disillusionment.”

He continued to grow his social media platforms by advocating for victims of police brutality, raising funds for a variety of charities and nonprofits, and working closely with the Black Lives Matter movement. He has worked as a regular contributor to media outlets like The Daily Kos, The New York Daily News and The Young Turks, writing extensively about civil and human rights, race relations, police brutality, mass incarceration and law enforcement misconduct.

King has been particularly vocal about the Israel-Hamas conflict ever since the October 7 attack, garnering online support for Palestinian victims and their families. In December, King claimed that his Instagram account with over six million followers was banned in response to his support for Palestine online.

Brian Houston Says His X Account Was Hacked, But The Internet Isn’t Buying It Wed, 21 Feb 2024 21:34:35 +0000 Houston, the former global lead pastor of Hillsong Church, has come under fire after saying his account on X was hacked after a rather, uh, interesting post appeared. Late Tuesday night, Houston’s account shared a tweet that read, “Ladies and girls kissing.” The tweet was posted at 11:41 p.m. (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) on Feb.…]]> Brian Houston, the former global lead pastor of Hillsong Church, has come under fire after saying his account on X was hacked after a rather, uh, interesting post appeared.

Late Tuesday night, Houston’s account shared a tweet that read, “Ladies and girls kissing.”

The tweet was posted at 11:41 p.m. (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) on Feb. 20, and remained on Houston’s account for 16 minutes before it was removed. At 11:57 p.m., another account appeared to offer some much-needed clarification.

“I think my Twitter may have been hacked,” the post read.

By then, however, the floodgates to X had been opened. Users responded to the pastor asking what was he doing, how did he get his account back so quickly, and why — of all things — did a hacker write only those four words? They also began speculating quickly that there was no hacker and rather Houston somehow mistook X for Google.

There were hundreds of comments responding to Houston’s post, and although most of the replies were NSFW, we found a few safe ones:

Eventually, one of Houston’s assistants shared some further clarity on her own account (later retweeted by Houston) asking everyone to “disregard anything that seems out of the ordinary.”

Houston has remained mostly quiet since resigning from his position as Hillsong global pastor two years ago after being placed on a disciplinary sabbatical due to issues of substance abuse and inappropriate conduct involving women. He also was facing trial for allegedly hiding child sex offenses that were perpetrated by his father Frank Houston, although Brian was acquitted of the charges last year.

For now, Houston shared that he is spending his time working on a “very authentic and transparent” autobiography. Here’s hoping this infamous tweet will be included.

18 Hilarious Tweets That Prove The Bible Really Is The Greatest Story Ever Told Thu, 01 Feb 2024 21:00:35 +0000 Certain Bible stories are so mindblowing that it can make you jealous you weren’t there to witness it in person. David defeating Goliath with a rock, Elisha attacking teenagers with a bear, King Solomon deciding to split a baby in half — there are so many moments.

Perhaps that’s why when X user @thespicexqueen asked, “What biblical story/situation do you wish you could have seen play out in real life?” there were thousands of hilarious responses.

We rounded up 18 of the best replies:


















Applebee’s Really Wants You to Have All of Your Dates at Applebee’s Fri, 19 Jan 2024 18:32:06 +0000

Applebee’s is offering a new date night deal that we’re pretty sure no one asked for.

The chain restaurant is launching a “Date Night Pass” for $200 that includes up to $30 in food per week for an entire year. Of course, there’s a catch, which is that you have to eat at Applebee’s.

The pass, which has a value of up to $1,500, can be used at Applebee’s locations nationwide, except for 16 stores. There’s only a limited number available, which Applebee’s suspects will go quickly — though we can’t figure out why they would think that. (Are there really that many people jumping at the chance to eat Applebee’s 52 times a year?)

But, it could have something to do with the increasingly expensive dating scene. A 2023 survey of 2,000 Americans found that the average person spent over $3,000 on dates in the past year. In fact, respondents shared that the average good date costs $196 these days, so it looks like Applebee’s is hoping will spend that good date money on them instead.

If you and your significant other can survive 52 Applebee’s meals together, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish together.

A County Commission Added Prayer to Meetings. Then Things Got Weird Thu, 18 Jan 2024 23:25:47 +0000

A Nevada county commissioner recently pushed to have prayer added to county commission meetings – and it did not go how she thought it would.

A prominent Satanist sparked outrage after giving the opening prayer at the Washoe County Commission meeting on Tuesday, ending the prayer not with an “Amen,” but with a “Hail, Satan.”

Reno Satanic’s Jason Miller prayer caused Commissioner Clara Andriola to storm out in protest. Ironically, Anriola was the one who wanted to add invocations to the meetings in the first place.

Andriola successfully campaigned to add prayers as precursors last year. Safe to say she’s rethinking that decision now. 

Reno Satanic’s Jason Miller concluded his invocation for a Nevada county commissioner’s meeting with “Hail, Satan.”

During his prayer, Milled asked the devil to bring his “guiding actions of nobility and justice to the decisions made in the chamber.”

“The New Age is dawning that these decisions will play a role in,” Miller said during his prayer. “For our liberation, for here and now is our day of joy, here and now is our opportunity. May we seize this glorious day and its enchanting nights to celebrate the wonders of the natural world, as we are all part of its boundless mysteries. 

“Hail, Satan,” he concluded. 

Following the prayer, the meeting moved onto a period for public comments, and several speakers brought up the Satanists’s impromptu sermon.

Andriola, who finally returned after Miller walked away, was clearly upset by the prayer. 

Commissioner Clara Andriola, who campaigned for prayer to be added to meetings, stormed out in protest.

“I would like to, um, publicly state that I totally disagreed with the invocation presenter today,” she said. “I would like to also ask legal to clarify how the county has to abide and the compliance requirement that’s related to the invocation.”

A staffer proceeded to to explain to her that there was a growing trend of Satanists signing up for local invocations around the country, citing that federal law requires everybody to have a turn signing up.

“I guess you take the good with the bad,” he explained.

The Pop Tart Mascot Is the Perfect Final Meme for 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:47:10 +0000 In the final days of 2023, the Internet has found its last and arguably most absurd meme of the year – the Pop Tart mascot.

The frosted figure became an instant viral icon when it made its debut during the Pop Tart Bowl between Kansas State and North Carolina State.

With a stadium full of football fans watching, the human-sized puff pastry popped up onto a toaster stage with more glee than necessary, holding a tiny sign that said, “Dreams really do come true.” Then, all eyes watched in a mix of awe and horror as it slowly descended into the toaster and popped out as an edible snack for Kansas players to eat.

When you think about it, the pop tart mascot is the perfect meme to represent all other 2023 memes. Before the anthropomorphic pop tart became our new Roman Empire, the internet looked on in adoration and fear as killer whales organized (orcanized?) against humanity. Social media had fun with another childhood nostalgic treat with McDonald’s Grimace Shakes, of course taking things to places they should have never gone. And just like no one expected pop tarts to have A Moment in the year of our Lord 2023, did anyone anticipate Kevin James taking over the internet this year? Of course not!

And just like every other meme-worth moment of the year, the internet did its thing one final time:

Cue the bald eagle sound!

The look of joy on its face is actually devastating.

Scary accurate.

Talk about burying the lede.

Wait, who’s Batman in this situation?

They just don’t get it.

This is unfortunately all too real.

Can you imagine taking communion with a pop tart?

There’s even dozens of posts making a distinct connection between another larger-than-life figure who gave up his body so that others may have life.

As we say goodbye to 2023, let’s raise a toast (or a toasted tart) to the Pop Tart mascot – the unexpected hero that the Internet didn’t know it needed, but now can’t live without.

17 Very Theologically Questionable Nativity Scenes You Can Own Thu, 14 Dec 2023 16:00:19 +0000

The story of Jesus’ birth has inspired creatives for 2000 years, as artists have crafted beautiful and historically accurate depictions of a babe in a manger.

But over the last few years, that art has taken a turn. There’s still the classic nativity sets available at every Christian craft store, but now many “artists” have given the holy scene a twist.

We realized it was finally time for us to rank the most absurd nativity scenes in all of history. Let’s get into it:

Gnome Nativity

“Gnome-el, gnome-el!”

Socially Distanced Nativity

Guess that explains why there’s only immediate family here.

“Next stop, Bethlehem!”

Of course the wise man would try and give directions.

Duck Nativity

Jesus came to cleanse us, but maybe not with bath toys.

Irish Nativity

Last time we checked, we didn’t think Jesus was Irish…

Angry Nativity

We wouldn’t be thrilled to be born in a barn either, but this seems a bit extreme.

Woodland Creatures Nativity

There’s a lot to unpack here.

Minimalist Nativity

Truly the bare minimum.

Minimalist Ball Nativity

We stand corrected.

Dog Nativity

Dogs are angels, so this feels the most biblically accurate.

Frog Nativity

To paraphrase one of the most iconic tweets of all time, “When God sings with his creations, will a frog not be part of the choir?”

Mermaid Nativity

Sure, why not?

Butter Nativity

Paula Deen would be proud.

Frankenstein Nativity

“Oh, you said frankincense? I thought you said Frankenstein.”

Bullet Nativity

This one really shocked us.

Meat Nativity

There’s something about the farm animals being made of meat that just doesn’t sit right with us.

Hipster Nativity

The solar panel on the roof is a nice touch.

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Megachurch Pastor’s Son Wins $52,000 on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 21:10:17 +0000 Michael Hodges, son of Church of the Highlands pastor Chris Hodges, recently won a whopping $52,650 on Wheel of Fortune.

On last Thursday’s episode, Hodges, who lives in Birmingham, Alabama, won big in the bonus round with the correct answer to the puzzle, “Opening a jar.”

Chris Hodges founded Church of the Highlands in 2001 in Birmingham. The church now has over a dozen campuses and offers higher education at Highlands College, where Michael serves as vice president of spiritual development.

Check out his winning moment here:

McDonald’s Resurrects McNugget Buddies for a Limited Time in Adult Happy Meals Fri, 01 Dec 2023 17:40:02 +0000 McDonald’s Adult Happy Meals just got so much better.

The fast food giant will launch a new set of McNugget Buddies in Adult Happy Meals on December 11, bringing back the beloved collectibles after a 25-year hiatus.

Teaming up with artist Kerwin Frost for the Kerwin Frost Box collection, McDonald’s promises a “reimagined” experience for fans of all ages. The Adult Happy Meals, which launched last year and feature 10 McNuggets or a Big Mac, will also include one of Frost’s exclusive McNugget Buddy collectibles, each with its own unique backstory:

Kerwin Frost


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The Mayor of Frost Way is a true champion of the Buddies and encourages them to be themselves. In his free time, catch him adding art to his collection or fixing things around the neighborhood.

Don Bernice


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The Wise Stylist, an experienced fashion designer who creates all the outfits for the Buddies in Frost Way, while also offering stern advice (that’s always nice!). After all, she is “don” – the very best!

Uptown Moe


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The Neighborhood Hero, the no-nonsense, street-smart, supportive guy from around the block in Frost Way everyone knows and loves. He also gives the best motivational speeches on a whim.



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The Curious Optimist, who grew up in Frost Way and was raised by the whole neighborhood. She spreads positivity wherever she goes and can turn any frown upside down with the wave of a wand and tilt of a crown.



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The Cool Guy, the most adventurous Buddy in Frost Way who speaks in puns, loves trying new things and techno music. He’s lowkey nervous, but always cool under pressure.



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The Dreamer, a soft-spoken yet peacefully confident singer who moved to Frost Way to pursue her dream of becoming a superstar as the lead singer of “The Frostettos.” When she’s not on stage, she’s running the local McDonald’s in Frost Way – where she’s employee of the month every month!

Way Too Many People Believe They Could Successfully Land an Airplane Thu, 30 Nov 2023 20:23:32 +0000 If deep down you think you could successfully land a plane despite any proper training, you’re not alone.

A recent survey found that approximately one-third of American adults believe they have the skills to safely land a passenger airplane — with confidence levels flying to nearly 50% among male respondents.

Sure, there are dozens of heroic tales of passengers stepping up in a time of crisis. Take Darren Harrison, for instance, who managed to land a twin-engine aircraft in Florida with air traffic control’s guidance. However, it’s worth noting that such incidents typically involve smaller, simpler planes — not a 747.

Piloting the big boys requires an intricate balance of precise controls, constant communication with air traffic control and adherence to many regulations. Many experts argue that if someone has never learned the basics of flying, their chances of successfully landing a passenger aircraft — even with air traffic control’s help — are close to zero.

So, while flight simulators and video games might give you a taste of the aviation world, for now, it’s best to leave piloting to the professionals.

Expensive Weddings Are More Likely to End in Divorce Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:45:01 +0000

When it comes to getting married, less is more — at least if you’re hoping for a long-lasting marriage.

According to a study by economics professors Andrew Francis-Tan and Hugo M. Mialon, there’s a notable correlation between lavish wedding spending, expensive engagement rings, and an increased likelihood of divorce. Their research, which surveyed over 3,000 married couples in the U.S., suggests that extravagance is definitely not the key to everlasting love.

It appears that is comes down to the total wedding budget, not just any individual splurge item. The overall wedding budget also plays a role in the marriage’s fate. Wallet-friendly weddings costing less than $1,000 were linked to a stronger marital bond, starkly contrasting with the shaky foundations of marriages following a lavish $20,000 or more ceremony. The data also shows that couples who spend more than $20,000 on the wedding are 3.5 times more likely to end in divorce when compared to couples who spend between $5,000 and $10,000. Tough news for couples who, on average, are expected to spend around $28,000 on their wedding this year.

Interestingly, the study doesn’t dismiss all forms of wedding spending. The honeymoon is seemingly a positive investment. Couples who jet off on a post-nuptial getaway seem to navigate away from the divorce courts more successfully than those who skip this tradition. So, it might be wise to channel those extra pennies saved from a modest wedding into a memorable honeymoon.

The Ultimate Ranking of Biblical Creatures: From Jonah’s Whale to Revelation’s Wild Beasts Wed, 15 Nov 2023 22:40:44 +0000 In the grand tapestry of Biblical narratives, amidst the profound teachings and epic histories, there exists an array of creatures that could give any fantasy novel a run for its money. These Biblical beasts take the stories of Scripture to the absolute next level; there’s no denying it. And it’s about time someone sat down and rank these creatures from best to worst

Here’s our super definitive ranking of every Biblical beast (along with an AI-generated image):

1. Jonah’s Whale

Who else could we start out with aside from the big fish? We’re talking about the Jonah-swallowing whale. This mammoth fish gets points for hospitality (albeit a bit damp) and teaching Jonah a lesson in obedience, all while maintaining a 100% guest survival rate. Plus, you have to admire a creature that essentially serves as a submarine in an era millennia before Jules Verne.

2. Daniel’s Lions

Landing in a close second are the lions from Daniel’s story. Known for their surprising diet choices (prophets not included), these big cats showed remarkable restraint and helped prove a point about divine protection. It sort of makes them the ancient world’s version of peaceful protesters.

3. Balaam’s Talking Donkey

Long before Hollywood thought talking animals were cool, the Bible gave us a donkey with serious communication skills. Not only did this donkey see an angel, but it also had the gumption to call out Balaam’s bad behavior. We only wish there were more stories with this communicative creature.

4. Revelation’s Multi-Headed Beasts

Coming in hot (and a bit terrifying) are the multi-headed beasts from Revelation. These creatures are like something straight out of a sci-fi thriller, complete with symbolism and apocalyptic flair. They score high for dramatic effect but lose points because, well, they’re pretty nightmare-inducing.

5. The Behemoth

This mysterious creature mentioned in Job has sparked countless debates. Is it a hippo? A dinosaur? A mythological beast? Whatever it is, the Behemoth scores for sheer mystery and the fact that it’s somehow part of God’s epic response to Job.

7. The Coin Fish

This fish doesn’t get nearly enough credit. Not only did it mind its own business, but it also managed to have a coin in its mouth just when Peter needed to pay taxes. It’s like the Biblical version of finding change in the sofa cushions, but way more impressive.

8. Samson’s Foxes

These foxes get a nod for their part in Samson’s revenge against the Philistines. Tying their tails together and setting them on fire was definitely one of the more bizarre tactics in the Bible. PETA would not approve, but you have to admit, it’s an unforgettable story.

9. The Ravens that Fed Elijah

Before Uber Eats, there were Elijah’s ravens. These birds brought the prophet bread and meat during a famine. They may not have had five-star hygiene ratings, but their room service was divine.

10. The Serpent in Eden

Rounding out our list is the infamous serpent. it really doesn’t get worse than tricking Eve in the garden and setting for a catostrophic series of events for the rest of history. The serpent may be the most well-known Biblical beast, but it is certainly not the most liked!

No, This Isn’t an A.I. Prank: Heinz Is Actually Releasing Pickle Ketchup Mon, 06 Nov 2023 21:49:05 +0000 Buckle up, condiment connoisseurs, for the very real new concoction from Heinz hitting shelves in 2024: pickle ketchup.

Yes, the iconic pairing traditionally seen on burgers and franks will now be merged into a single bottle. One can’t help but wonder: Have we reached the pinnacle of condiment innovation or has Heinz fully and completely jumped the shark?

It’s not totally surprising to see Heinz come up with a questionable concoction, given their reputation for combining ingredients only a mad scientist-turned-foodie could imagine. Whether it’s Kranch (Ketchup and Ranch), Honeyracha (Honey and Sriracha) or the myriad of Mayo-mixed condiments, someone at Heinz is clearly determined to concoct flavor combinations no one on God’s green Earth would ever ask for.

Of course, let’s not forget, that in the hall of infamy resides Heinz’s own purple ketchup — available only in the Virtual Museum of Failure. Nevertheless, undeterred by the past, Heinz claims their new pickle ketchup is here to satisfy our “hunger for unique, elevated and nuanced flavor experiences.”

And Heinz isn’t the only company dreaming up wacky combinations. Coca-Cola recently added a new line of AI-created soft drinks that “takes like the future,” while Velveeta has dipped into the martini business during a slow cheese season.

Remember Kid President? Well, He’s 20 Now Tue, 24 Oct 2023 21:20:10 +0000 In case you need a reminder that you are now old, here’s this: Kid President just turned 20.


#duet with @Daily Mail #fyp got me a little emotional this morning❤thank you all for the birthday wishes❤😌blessed to see 20❤#iloveyouall #thankyou #fyp #thankGod

♬ original sound – Daily Mail

That’s right, the inspirational young leader is officially in his 20s. Just in case you need a reminder, Kid President, a character created by Brad Montague and portrayed by Robby Novak, showed up when the world needed him most. Preaching kindness and compassion with a healthy does of humor, Kid President went viral for all the right reasons.

Over the last several years, Novak stepped away from the spotlight to focus on his schoolwork and family. He made a brief return to the Internet in 2019 with a six-part YouTube series, Are We There Yet?, which featured Novak and Montague traveling the country to inspire the next generation of kid leaders.

As Novak enters his 20s, we hope he still listens to the advice from his younger self, because we certainly do.

A Cruise Ship Will Let Passengers Live At Sea for 3.5 Years For Only $100,000 Mon, 16 Oct 2023 22:15:05 +0000 Starting next year, a one-of-a-kind cruise ship has set its sites on circumnavigating the globe, allowing travelers to experience life at sea over the next three and a half years.

Villa Vie Residences has announced the global journey will begin in May 2024. Passengers can buy a cabin starting at the “low price” of $100,000, or they can choose to travel on segments of the itinerary. Travelers can also rent out their rooms to others — think of it like an AirBnB on water.

In the past year, the market has seen a surge in condominium-at-sea concepts, with companies like Victoria Cruises Line and Life at Sea Cruises offering extended sea living experiences. However, these ventures have faced their fair share of delays and changes in plans, not to mention a limited number of its luxury condos casually priced between $2 million and $15 million.

If all goes according to Villa Vie’s plan, the new player will enter the floating-condo industry on May 15, 2024. Their ship will embark on a 3.5-year circumnavigation, visiting 425 ports in 147 countries during its first voyage. This trip includes 87 days in Northern Europe, 105 days in North America, 68 days in Africa and 76 days in South Asia.

On board, Villa Vie promises the typical world-cruise comforts, such as educational programs, global cuisine restaurants, pools and live entertainment. But with so much time to fill for passengers on board for literal years, the ship will also have a business center with offices and a library, a culinary arts center with cooking classes, a pet spa and resort, a golf simulator and a medical center staffed with doctors and nurses. Honestly, why would you ever get off the boat?

However, there is one snag in Villa Vie’s plan as of now: they don’t have a ship. Mikael Petterson, the company’s founder and CEO, revealed that they’ve made an offer to purchase a vessel from an active cruise ship operator. He expects to finalize the purchase by year-end. While this may sound like a tight timeline, Petterson assures they’ve left ample room for unforeseen hiccups before they set sail.

So whether you’re a cruise ship aficionado or simply looking to sail away from life’s problems, there’s a boat for you — if you have $100,000 to spare.

You Won’t Believe How Much Pizza the Average American Eats Each Year Thu, 05 Oct 2023 20:55:14 +0000

America has a pizza obsession.

That’s according to a recent national survey that found the average American consumes enough pizza each year to fill a full-sized suitcase. To put it precisely, each American eats 180 slices each year.

Now, let’s slice and dice this pizza passion by the numbers. It turns out that the typical American eats over half a pizza, or at least five slices, in a single sitting. But what’s even more surprising is our pizza consumption frequency: average Americans eat pizza three times a month, minimum.

When it comes to pizza preferences, most prefer frozen, ready-to-bake-at-home pizza (30 percent) over the fresh-from-the-oven restaurant variety (26 percent) or even delivery (16 percent).

Different states even have their own unique pizza preferences. Georgia sticks with square pizza topped with hot sauce, while Illinois is loyal to the classic deep dish with vodka sauce. New Hampshire, on the other hand, can’t get enough of bleu cheese and buffalo sauce — which makes us wonder, what’s going on in New Hampshire?

But just know, whether you’re a deep-dish snob or a DiGornio’s aficionado, you’re not alone in your passion for pizza.

A “Pastor” Caged Himself Into a Lion Enclosure to Prove “Nothing Can Happen to a Man of God” Fri, 29 Sep 2023 21:02:27 +0000 A self-proclaimed “holy man” decided to put his “divine protection” to the test in a wild modern-day reenactment of the biblical tale of Daniel. With a bright blue suit as his armor and seemingly unshakable faith as his shield, the man locked himself in a cage with three lions to prove that “nothing can happen…]]>
A self-proclaimed “holy man” decided to put his “divine protection” to the test in a wild modern-day reenactment of the biblical tale of Daniel.

With a bright blue suit as his armor and seemingly unshakable faith as his shield, the man locked himself in a cage with three lions to prove that “nothing can happen to a man of God.”

The act included the “pastor” extending a friendly hand (literally) into one of the lion’s mouths and stroking the growling lions in their enclosure in “Nigeria.”


Videos of the man in the enclosure spread like wildfire, and it wasn’t long before Kenyan parliament member Ronald Karauri offered to fund an all-expenses-paid trip for “the pastor” to the Maasai Mara National Reserve to reenact the stunt with wild lions.

we keep using quotes because this tale took an unexpected turn when the BBC revealed the “modern-day Daniel” was, in fact, a zookeeper, and not a pastor. And the stunt didn’t happen in Nigeria, but Somalia.

As it turns out, Mohamed Abdirahman Mohamed has been a zookeeper in Mogadishu, Somalia for over eight years, with a knack for theatrics and a history of close encounters with lions, as revealed by other videos dating as far back as March of this year.

‘Simp,’ ‘Rizz,’ ‘Beast Mode’ and More Are Now Part of Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Thu, 28 Sep 2023 20:41:16 +0000 Merriam-Webster went full “beast mode” this year, adding 690 words to their dictionary — nearly double the amount added last year.

Several of the additions are slang that has somehow invaded our conversations. Words like “simp” (which means “to show excessive devotion to or longing for someone or something”), “rizz” (romantic appeal or charm), “bussin'” (extremely good) and “mid” (meh) have become so common we don’t question their absurdity until we’re looking at an actual definition.

Social media lingo got a big update this year, with gems like “thirst trap” (for those desperately seeking attention), “‘grammable” (suitable for your Instagram feed) and “finsta” (an undercover Instagram account) making the cut.

When it comes to talking about favorite past times, there’s some new words you may want to make sure you know. Roughly a dozen new sports terms were added, from “bracketology” (the practice or study of predicting the outcome of elimination tournaments or competitions especially in NCAA college basketball) to “beast mode” (an extremely aggressive or energetic style or manner temporarily adopted by someone, like an athlete).

Additionally, foodies now have a full definition of a “chef’s kiss” (a gesture of satisfaction or approval, accompanied by a fingertip kiss and dramatic hand flourish) to make sure they’re not giving praise to just any old “smashburger” (a hamburger patty that is pressed thin onto a heated pan or griddle at the start of cooking).

“We’re very excited by this new batch of words,” said Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster’s editor in chief. “We hope there is as much insight and satisfaction in reading them as we got from defining them.”

AI Uses the Turin Shroud to Reveal What Jesus ‘Might Have Looked Like’ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 17:05:49 +0000

Artificial intelligence has used the Turin Shroud as a reference to create the clearest image of what Jesus might have actually looked like.

The Turin Shroud has been a source of mystery for hundreds of years. (Source: AFB by Getty images)

The Turin Shroud has long been a source of mystery and controversy, with claims that it once enshrouded the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. Now, thanks to AI like with Midjourney, technology can produce a lifelike depiction of Jesus.

The AI-generated image portrays a man with long hair and a beard, his eyes open and looking directly outward, with a portion of his body visible. While this is still simply a modern interpretation by a modern device, the results are stunning.

An AI-generated image of Jesus based on the Turin Shroud (Source: Midjourney)

The history of the Turin Shroud is as enigmatic as the image it bears. When it was first unveiled to the public six centuries ago, skeptics emerged, doubting its authenticity. French bishop Pierre d’Arcis, in a letter to Pope Clement VII in 1390, argued that the Shroud was likely a clever forgery, designed to deceive people in order to extract money from them. He contended that it was more probable that someone falsely declared it to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus.

Scientific investigations over the years have added to the mystery. Carbon dating placed the Shroud’s creation between 1260 AD and 1390 AD, raising obvious questions about its connection to Jesus. In 1979, the Turin Commission suggested that the mysterious stains were not blood but pigments. Furthermore, in 2018, forensic scientists published research in the Journal of Forensic Science asserting that the Shroud had been artificially created.

Throughout these debates, the Turin Shroud continues to be a topic of fascination, raising theological, historical and scientific questions that persistently challenge our understanding of this ancient relic. And now we have AI

Cue the Jesus Jokes: Portugal Streets Are Flooded With 600,000 Gallons of Red Wine Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:13:19 +0000 A small coastal town in Portugal was shocked when a river of red wine flowed through their streets on Sunday, after two tanks owned by Levira Distillery spilled into the streets.

A viral video shows 600,000 gallons of red wine rushing downhill in São Lorenco de Bairro, which is home to roughly 2,000 residents. To put it into perspective, the spill was so massive that the wine could have filled an Olympic-size swimming pool.

The spill triggered an environmental alert. Leading officials and the Anadia Fire Department to spring into action and block off the flood, diverting it into a nearby field, local media reported. There have been no reported injuries, and firefighters said a basement in one home near the distillery was flooded with wine.

But that hasn’t stopped the Internet from doing what it does best: making jokes. Over on Reddit, users are having fun with the biblical implications of the spill.


Despite the light-hearted jokes, Levira Distillery is taking the incident seriously and has issued an apology.

“We assume full responsibility for the costs associated with cleaning and repairing the damage, having teams do so immediately,” the company said in a statement. “We are committed to resolving this situation as quickly as possible.”

Man Breaks Pogo Stick Bouncing Record While Raising Funds for a Good Cause Mon, 11 Sep 2023 21:05:55 +0000 Over the weekend, James Roumeliotis reclaimed the Guinness World Record for the most consecutive jumps on a pogo stick, not only for himself but for the New England Center and Home for Veterans.

After a non-stop 11 hours and 38 minutes, Roumeliotis completed 115,170 bounces, destroying the previous record of 88,047 jumps.

The Tewksbury, Massachusetts native initially earned him the title in 2007, though under slightly more lenient rules. Back then, it was the “longest marathon on a pogo stick,” with breaks allowed.

“At the time, that was what they call now ‘longest marathon on a pogo stick,’ which is the number of bounces, but you [got] a five-minute break every couple of hours,” Roumeliotis explained.

After losing the title in 2015, Roumeliotis decided it was time to bounce back, and this time he meant business. No breaks, no rest – just pure, unadulterated pogo stick action.

“It’s non-stop,” Roumeliotis said. “If I slip, if I fall, if I trip, it’s over.”

But this record-breaking endeavor wasn’t just about personal glory. In 2007, Roumeliotis did it for medical research, and this time, he’s “Hopping for Heroes,” raising funds for the New England Center and Home for Veterans.

“At any point, any day, they can have hundreds of veterans staying overnight,” Roumeliotis explained. “They help them get back on their feet, back into the community, and plugged in, helping them as best they can.”

By the end of the day, Roumeliotis had surpassed his goal of $10,000, raising an astonishing $11,549.63 — and counting.

A Tech Repair Company Wants to Fix America’s Biggest Problem: McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Fri, 01 Sep 2023 21:47:23 +0000 Could our prayers finally be answered?

iFixit, a smartphone repair shop, is on a mission to save the day for McDonald’s ice cream machines. You know, the machines that work every other day (if you’re lucky).

The company frequently posts “teardown” videos online, where they disassemble products to show people how they work and how they can be repaired at home.

And now, they have their sights set on McDonald’s ice cream machine. They promise they know how to fix it, but there’s a U.S. copyright law standing in their way. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is designed to stop people from fixing commercial equipment protected by copyright law, such as McDonald’s ice cream machines. For now, Taylor, the company that creates McDonald’s machines, are the only ones allowed to tamper with the devices.

In a dramatic teardown video, iFixit’s sustainability director explained that they have developed a way to prevent the ice cream machines from having a total meltdown, but the copyright law is standing in their way. (Cue the violins.)

So, what’s their genius plan? Well, first, they want a copyright exemption for ice cream machines. Because, of course, repairing ice cream makers is just as vital to society as fixing your iPhone. They also want Congress to reintroduce the “Freedom to Repair Act,” which would let them distribute their ice cream machine repair tools. It remains to be seen if Congress will unite for this important act.

iFixit is teaming up with a non-profit group, Public Knowledge, to campaign for these law changes. According to their policy counsel, “copyright should not prevent anyone from repairing a device they own,” whether it’s a smartphone or an ice cream machine.

Until then, McDonald’s customers will have to rely on McBroken, a website that tracks the fast food giant’s ice cream machines in real time because apparently it is that serious.

Christians Are the Most Likely To Say They’ve Interacted With a Dead Relative Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:32:50 +0000 If you’ve ever felt like a relative has visited you from beyond the grave, you’re not alone.

A new study from Pew Research found that American Christians are among the most likely to attempt to communicate with dead relatives.

The report, which surveyed 5,079 adults from various faith traditions, found that more than half of religious Americans (53 percent) believe they have been “visited by a dead family member in a dream or some other form.”

“While the survey asked whether people have had interactions with dead relatives, it did not ask for explanations,” researchers said. “We don’t know whether people view these experiences as mysterious or supernatural, or whether they see them as having natural or scientific causes, or some of both.”

A large portion (44 percent) said they have interacted with a dead family member within the past year, and 34 percent believe they have “felt the presence” of a deceased relative. Additionally, 28 percent claim a dead relative visited them to tell them about their life, and 15 percent said that a dead family member had communicated with them in a vague way.

Looking at Christian demographics, 67 percent of Black Protestants and 58 percent of mainline Protestants claim to have interacted with a dead relative. Evangelicals (42 percent) were more likely than atheists (26 percent) and agnostics (34 percent) to say that they had spoken to a deceased relative, but Roman Catholics (66 percent) were more likely to make this claim.

Denominations aside, it appears that one’s “level of religiosity” also plays a factor in to interacting with dead relatives. Individuals with “medium levels of religiosity” (63 percent) were most likely to say they felt the presence of a lost family member and most likely to say they have communicated with one in the past year, more than highly religious people (41 percent) and people with low religiosity (39 percent).

The report shares that the theological convictions from highly religious people and disbelief in the supernatural from nonreligious people contributed to these trends.

“People who are moderately religious seem to be more likely than other Americans to have these experiences,” the report stated. “This is partly because some of the most traditionally religious groups—such as evangelical Protestants—as well as some of the least religious parts of the population—such as atheists and agnostics—are less likely to report having interactions with deceased family members.”

The Coolest Cities in America Are… Fri, 25 Aug 2023 19:09:25 +0000 What makes a city cool? The number of record stores? The density of thrift shops? The diversity of its population? The commitment to sustainability?

Perhaps it’s all of the above.

According to a new study by Betway, all of these factors matter when it comes to determining which cities are the coolest in the United States. But only one city can be the ultimate coolest one in America, and that title goes to none other than Portland, Oregon.

With a total score of 3.958 out of 4, Portland ranks first for number of record stores and microbreweries — 35 percent more than the next-most Seattle.

New York City ranks second overall with a total score of 3.904, thanks to the 99 record stores, extraordinary rate of tattoo parlors, and strong selection of vegan restaurants (1,089, to be exact). Unsurprisingly, Los Angeles ranks third, followed by Seattle and Philadelphia to round out the top five U.S. cities.

The study also found that the coolest cities in the U.S. are becoming more and more popular with tourists and young professionals. In fact, the top five cities all saw a major population growth in recent years.

Austin, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Orlando and Cincinnati round out the top 10 coolest cities in the U.S.

Ultimately, what makes a city cool is a matter of personal opinion. But whether you’re looking for a city with a killer music scene, breathtaking views nightlife or a diverse population, you’re sure to find a place to love on this list.

Two Artists’ Christian-Themed Barbie Dolls Are Stirring Up Controversy Mon, 07 Aug 2023 20:54:00 +0000 The resurrection of two religiously themed Barbie dolls has caused some major controversy.

Argentinian artists Emiliano Pool Paolini and Marianela Perelli announced they would be relaunching two dolls, dubbed the “Barbie Virgin Mary” and “Jesus Ken,” for an upcoming art exhibit, nine years after their creations were met with global criticism.

Numerous faith communities have expressed their frustration with the dolls’ comeback after images were posted online. The Catholic community in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in particular have spoken out against the dolls, arguing that the “Barbie-fication” of their religion is sacrilegious.

The dolls — which have no connection or affiliation with the original Mattel Barbie doll — were initially on display in 2014 for an art exhibit called “Barbie: The Plastic Religion.” The exhibit included other Barbies depicted as religious figures such as Joan of Arc and Virgin of Guadalupe, and Ken as Buddha and Moses.

No False I-Dolls: Religious Barbie Show Ken't Go On

At that time, the faith community pushed back against the exhibit, and some protestors even went so far as sending death threats to the artists.

Now, following the success of Barbie, the artists have decided to relaunch their creations at an upcoming art show. Despite the controversy, Paolini and Perelli have defended their art by insisting their work was “simply the union of the two most popular elements of history: the Barbie doll and religion.”

“Frankly, we don’t understand why we’re being attacked,” Paolini said. “Religion has always depicted virgins as the most beautiful women. Today, the most beautiful woman is Barbie.”

No False I-Dolls: Religious Barbie Show Ken't Go On

Mattel Will Pay You $227 an Hour to Play Uno Fri, 04 Aug 2023 16:36:48 +0000 Mattel is looking for the ultimate Uno player to become their “Chief Uno Officer,” and they’re willing to pay a whopping $227 an hour.

The toy company will select one candidate to test out their newly released game “Uno Quatro” with other players while creating social media content for the game. But it’s definitely not a volunteer position: Mattel will pay the CUO $4,444 a week for four weeks. Not bad for one month of work and play.

“We’re looking for someone who’s just as passionate about throwing down a Draw 4 as they are engaging strangers in a game. Someone who knows how to play a reverse and likes to get WILD (in a nice-ish way). Is that you?,” Mattel announced on their website.

Uno Quatro is the latest version of Uno that combines the challenge of connecting four tiles in a row — similar to Connect 4, —with the classic Uno gameplay, where players match numbers and colors.

“We’re thrilled to offer a position to the ultimate Uno player to help introduce our brand-new game, Uno Quatro, to the world,” said Ray Adler, the global head of games at Mattel.

Beginning September 13, the CUO will teach other players how to enjoy the game and participate in livestreams and interviews. The search is open to any US citizen over the age of 18 who can meet the simple job requirements of sitting for extended periods and being able to carry 50 pounds or more for game setup.

The deadline to apply is August 10.

Of Course Santa Claus, Indiana Would Build a Gravy Roller Coaster Thu, 03 Aug 2023 20:15:15 +0000

A new gravy-themed roller coaster ride is opening up at Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana.

No, that isn’t a holiday-themed mad lib. It’s real.

Santa Claus, Indiana — yes, an actual place — is home to Holiday World, a theme park dedicated to, you guessed it, holidays. There’s a section for most major holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, even the Fourth of July. Inside each section are themed rides, like the Liberty Launcher and Scarecrow Scrambler.

And next year, the Thanksgiving section will add Good Gravy!, a roller coaster where passengers “race against time to help Grandma make her famous gravy and save Thanksgiving dinner.”

Rendering of the new Good Gravy! Ride at Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari theme park.

According to the park, Good Gravy! passengers will travel in a “gravy boat-shaped train” while weaving through a cranberry can, a massive whisk, a rolling pin and “other surprises.”

We have to assume that a group of gravy aficionados fronted the $10 million bill for the ride, unless Holiday World was hoping to win the grand prize for “World’s Most Absurd Roller Coaster Ride.”

The ride will be open to the public in May 2024, so if you want to head to Santa Claus and check it out, go for it. Whatever floats your (gravy) boat.

Sorry Gen Z, Science Says You’re Ugly Mon, 31 Jul 2023 22:05:40 +0000 Sad news for Gen Z: experts say you’re less attractive than any other generation.

Shafee Hassan, founder of Sydney’s facial aesthetics consultancy firm QOVES, shared this theory in a YouTube Short regarding the perceived decline in attractiveness among people today. The video was sparked by a user who asked about the number of attractive individuals in an old high-school yearbook, prompting the question: Could there be a reason behind this apparent shift in attractiveness?

A facial analyst has offered up a theory as to why it seems people are becoming 'less attractive,' sparked by a follower's question about it

Hassan’s video looked into the effects of modern diets, sleeping patterns, pollutants and orofacial habits on the average person’s face. According to him, these factors have led to a growing disparity between “the attractives” and “the unattractives.” The facial analyst highlights specific facial features, like the “defined” gonion (apex of the lower jaw) and “projected” zygoma (cheekbone) of a young man, to illustrate his points.

Referencing the “functional matrix hypothesis,” Hassan explains that the development of one’s face relies on the forces applied to the upper and lower jaw. These forces significantly influence one’s overall appearance, which contribute to attractiveness. Tongue posture and other factors, Hassan suggests, can impact the development of the jaw, influencing its growth patterns.

To support his theory, Hassan used an example of a little girl whose sinus infection affected the growth of her lower jaw due to constant mouth breathing. He argues that cases like this contribute to the rising prevalence of malocclusion (teeth misalignment) and recession (gum pulling away from teeth), which effects an estimated 70 percent of the world’s population.

He claims in the video that a little girl's sinus infection impacted on the growth of her lower jaw, showing photo examples
Hassan used the example of a young girl’s sinus infection that impacted on the growth of her lower jaw.

To no surprise, the Internet has a lot of opinions about this theory.

Some emphasized the impact of camera angles and quality, suggesting that film cameras may enhance features and create a more defined appearance.

Some proposed that diets could play a big part in the change on facial development. It was suggested that consuming whole, chewy foods promotes stronger jaw muscles, whereas a diet consisting of softer, processed foods may have negative effects on facial structure over time.

Additionally, a beauty bias was raised as a potential factor, with some speculating that images of less attractive individuals are less likely to be publicized, leading to an overrepresentation of attractive faces.

And many just completely disagreed with Hassan’s argument altogether.

You can watch the full video below.

10 Hilarious Memes You Missed This Week Fri, 28 Jul 2023 21:33:39 +0000 This week was kind of… a lot. Barbenheimer’s success, alien confirmation, Lana Del Rey working at a Waffle House. It’s a lot to keep up with, and sometimes the best way to process it all is through some hilarious memes.

Here’s a few of our favorites that have kept us laughing all week long.

Classic Youth Pastor

Out thoughts and prayers go out to youth leaders everywhere.


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A post shared by RISE YOUTH ✨ (@jesuscultureyth)

This Ken is a Preacher

True love!

God’s Mojo Dojo Casa House



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A post shared by Christian Memes (@epicchristianmemes)

We’ve all been here before.

#wheresmydad #trending #corporate #office #teenager #adult #joblife #officehumour #fyp

♬ original sound – 🙂

Barbenheimer: Weather Edition

Elon Musk is clearly taking tips from Ryan Howard.

OK, now it’s getting personal!

An A.I. App Now Lets You Text With Your Favorite Bible Character Thu, 27 Jul 2023 21:08:49 +0000 If you’ve ever wanted to get to know your favorite Bible characters on a personal level, there’s now an app for that.

Text With Jesus” uses artificial intelligence to allow users to “text” more than 30 Bible characters, including Mary, Joseph, nine of the apostles, Old Testament prophets, and, of course, the Big Man himself.

An AI app allows you to “text” more than 30 Bible characters. Source: Catloaf Software

Catloaf Software created the app to offer believers a “new and engaging way to interact with Scripture.”

“The ability to ask questions and receive answers from a facsimile of Biblical figures adds a personal touch and contextual understanding that may elude casual readers,” said Stéphane Peter, the president and CEO of Catloaf Software. “The AI’s robust conversational skills and contextual memory enable dynamic, meaningful interactions.”

Peter shared she was inspired by the innovative ways AI technology has changed society in other areas. Her hope was to create an app that would make the Bible more accessible and interactive.

“Recognizing the growing prevalence and potential of AI, I saw an opportunity to expand on the Texts From Jesus app concept by creating a more interactive and engaging experience,” she said. “Thus, the Text With Jesus app was born, designed to appeal to our existing users and any other Christians intrigued by a novel approach to exploring the Bible.”

Peter shared the app pulls from a wide range of Christian literature, including multiple versions of the Bible. This ensures the responses stay within the boundaries of Christian belief. Users can also customize their experience by requesting guidance from a specific faith perspective, such as Catholic or evangelical.

“This principle is at the heart of the language model instructions for each Biblical figure within the app,” Peter said. “The AI’s default ‘guideline’ is to respond to user inquiries using Bible quotes, keeping conversations rooted in Biblical context regardless of the topic.”

The responses pull from a wide range of Christian literature. Source: Catloaf Software

However, Peter recognizes that many Christians may feel (at best) uncomfortable with the idea of texting an AI-powered Bible app.

“I understand that the concept of an AI Jesus may be disconcerting or even appear blasphemous to some,” Peter said. “However, ‘Text With Jesus’ is not intended to replace or substitute personal faith or prayer. It is simply a tool to assist users in exploring theological questions in a more interactive and hopefully enjoyable way.”

The app, which comes with a free version and a paid version, is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Microsoft Teams Introduces AI Beauty Filters to Help You Look Presentable on Video Calls Thu, 20 Jul 2023 18:08:48 +0000

If you’re tired of showing up on video calls looking like a hot mess, Microsoft has you covered, literally.

Microsoft Teams is introducing a new AI-powered beauty filter to help “make people’s lives a little easier” by partnering with cosmetics giant Maybelline to create “virtual makeup” filters, similar to filters used on Instagram and TikTok.

Teams users can choose from 12 different filters, with options to select from various blurring effects and digital makeup color options. And, if they want to take their online look into the real world, each filter will include a breakdown of the Maybelline products and shades that are being used.

A screengrab taken from Microsoft Teams showing the new Maybelline makeup filters on the right side of the app. Credit: Microsoft

“Whether you are working in-person or virtually, feeling good about yourself can help put your best foot forward,” said Trisha Ayyagari, global brand president of Maybelline New York, in Maybelline’s press release. “That’s why we partnered with Microsoft Teams to develop virtual makeup looks — now even on the busiest day, you can put makeup on with just a click.”

It’s not totally unheard of for companies to use virtual “try-on” experiences to promote their real-world products, but it is unusual to see it in a corporate workplace. Numerous studies show the negative side-effects of relying on filters to change your appearance. And while some AI filters are easy to detect, others — like TikTok’s “Bold Glamour” effect — are much more difficult to figure out.

Other video conferencing platforms like Zoom have also recently implemented beauty effects, such as eyebrow and lipstick filters. But Teams’ new addition takes things a step further, allowing users to completely transform their professional look with a click of a button.

A Travel Nightmare: Teen Was Detained For Using A Money-Saving Hack Fri, 14 Jul 2023 19:13:52 +0000 In a recent incident, a North Carolina teen found himself in trouble at an airport for employing a popular travel hack known as “skip-lagging.”

The teen’s family shared their ordeal, shedding light on the practice and its consequences. With airlines growing increasingly vigilant, the controversial loophole is facing stricter scrutiny and potential repercussions.

According to WJZY-TV, the Parsons family’s son, Logan, was detained at an airport due to suspicions surrounding his use of skip-lagging. This method involves booking a flight with a layover at the desired destination and intentionally skipping the second leg of the journey.

Initially, a ticket was purchased for Logan’s flight from Gainesville, Florida, to New York City, with a layover in Charlotte, North Carolina. However, the plan was for Logan to disembark in Charlotte, his place of residence, and reunite with his family. This practice has become a way for passengers to secure cheaper fares while conveniently reaching their desired location.

Hunter Parsons, Logan’s father, shared that a gate agent in Florida became suspicious upon seeing Logan’s North Carolina driver’s license. It was Logan’s first time traveling alone, and the situation escalated quickly. Parsons explained that Logan was “interrogated a little bit” and subsequently taken to a security room, leaving his family anxious and concerned about their minor child’s wellbeing.

The Parsons family had used the travel service for several years, unaware that this travel hack was frowned upon by the airline industry. NPR previously reported a case in 2019 where Lufthansa Airlines sued a passenger for over $2,000, alleging that he had skipped a portion of his return flight.

After the incident, American Airlines canceled Logan’s ticket, forcing his family to purchase a new direct flight ticket. A representative from American Airlines explained that “purchasing a ticket without intending to fly all flights to gain lower fares (hidden city ticketing)” is a prohibited booking practice.

As the airline industry tightens its grip on travel hacks like skip-lagging, passengers need to be aware of the potential consequences. While it may seem like an ingenious way to save money and reach desired destinations conveniently, some travel hacks might end up causing more harm than help.

Burger King’s 20-Slice “Real Cheeseburger” Goes Viral for All the Wrong Reasons Thu, 13 Jul 2023 20:40:17 +0000 It looks like America isn’t the only country making deeply unhealthy food choices these days.

A “cheeseburger” sold at Burger King in Thailand is going viral for it’s unique ingredient list: two pieces of bread and 20 slices of cheese.

The fast food chain shared the news on Facebook, letting customers know they were being serious about this massive grilled cheese.

“This is no joke. This is for real,” they wrote on Facebook. “The real cheeseburger is full of flavor for those who love cheese.”

The cheeseburger, which costs $4.70, quickly went viral. However, to absolutely no one’s surprise, biting into a block of cheese sandwiched between two pieces of bread isn’t exactly a dream come true.
Customers have shared their review online, and it’s not looking food for The Real Cheeseburger.

One customer said that two mouthfuls “were all I could endure before chucking it into the bin.”

“It was as revolting as you thought it would be: dry, a shock to the digestive system, and literally a thousand calories worth of unnecessary processed cheese,” said another customer. “That’s another thing: for something called ‘The Real Cheeseburger,’ there’s nothing real about any of the cheese here.”

It’s National Fry Day, and Restaurants Are Giving Away Free Fries Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:48:21 +0000 TGIF has a new meaning today — Thank God It’s Fry Day.

McDonald’s is celebrating the national “holiday” by giving away free fries all day on July 13. No strings attached, no additional purchases necessary. To purchase your free fries, simply download the McDonald’s app and head to your local golden arches.

And they’re not the only fast food chain celebrating Fry Day. Here are a few other restaurants making Fry Day extra special.


From July 14 to 16, Rewards App members can get a free order of XL fries from Checkers.

Del Taco

Del Taco rewards members can get free medium fries with a $3 purchase when they order online or through the app.


Get a free order of Smashfries, French fries or sweet potato fries with any purchase. If you’re ordering online or in the app, use the code FRIES.


Wendy’s is turning Fry Day into Fry Weekend. From July 13 to 16, participating locations are offering free fries with any purchase made in the app.

McDonald’s Bids Goodbye to Grimace in Cryptic Social Media Post Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:38:20 +0000 news, Grimace fans: the purple tastebud is officially saying goodbye to McDonald’s social media accounts. u made me feel so specialll tysay goodbye grimace nowww — McDonald's (@McDonalds) July 6, 2023 Grimace has held onto the controls since June 12, when the fact-food chain began to celebrate Grimace’s Birthday. While this was supposed…]]> Sad news, Grimace fans: the purple tastebud is officially saying goodbye to McDonald’s social media accounts.

Grimace has held onto the controls since June 12, when the fact-food chain began to celebrate Grimace’s Birthday. While this was supposed to be a fairly simple month-long party for the big purple character, it has evolved into a shockingly viral moment.

Now, fans are puzzled by his cryptic tweets (seriously, where is he going?!). McDonald’s has shared that he’s not going away forever, but that the party had to end at some time.

“Our fans have amazing childhood memories of their birthdays at McDonald’s…and Grimace’s Birthday is all about paying homage to the amazing, fun moments we all share,” said Tariq Hassan, Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer at McDonald’s USA. “We’re excited to put a modern spin on these memories to continue to drive McDonald’s relevance with a new generation. Grimace is the perfect lovable icon to have McDonald’s meet our fans at the intersection of nostalgia and culture.”

Still, Twitter users have been posting heart-warming and hilarious eulogies to Grimace all morning.

Fireworks Too Loud? Try Celebrating Freedom by Throwing Cars Off a Cliff Like an Alaskan Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:18:04 +0000 In a truly American twist on Fourth of July celebrations, Alaskans in Glacier View have found a new way to commemorate freedom without the dog-stressing, pollution-inducing use of fireworks: launching cars off a 300-foot cliff.

The tradition, known as the Glacier View Fourth of July Car Launch, began in 2005 when a local resident decided to dispose of his totaled Volvo by sending it crashing off the edge. Over the years, the event has evolved into an Independence Day extravaganza dedicated to “F Day” — freedom, faith, family, food and fun.

(And don’t worry about the environmental impact: After the festivities, the cars are recycled.)

Sriracha Is $70 Now?? Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:53:22 +0000 In a fiery twist of fate (see what we did there?), sriracha enthusiasts across the nation are facing a spicy dilemma (did it again): a shortage of their beloved hot sauce.

Huy Fong Foods, Inc., a leading sriracha sauce manufacturer based in California, has been grappling with disruptions in the chili supply chain for the second consecutive year. The culprit? Droughts in Mexico decimating crucial pepper crops.

As sriracha bottles have become increasingly scarce, opportunistic resellers on eBay and Amazon are capitalizing on the situation. Listings for single bottles are commanding exorbitant prices, with some reaching as high as $70, not including shipping.

The online marketplace has become a battleground for hot sauce enthusiasts, with sponsored sellers on eBay securing top search result placements by paying a percentage of their sale price to the auction website. Recent sales have seen 9-ounce bottles go for $26.98, 17-ounce two-packs priced at $54.49, and 28-ounce two-packs fetching a whopping $71.99.

Sellers on eBay are sponsoring listings for Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce for higher than normal prices as the hot sauce manufacturer battles supply chain disruptions.

Amazon, too, is seeing numerous resellers listing Huy Fong’s Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce for inflated prices. Huy Fong Foods has issued a statement acknowledging the shortage, blaming a cascade of events, including unexpected crop failures during the spring chili harvest.

“Unfortunately, we can confirm that there is an unprecedented shortage of our products,” a representative of Huy Fong Foods said. “We are still endeavoring to resolve this issue that has be caused by several spiraling events, including unexpected crop failure from the spring chili harvest. We hope for a fruitful fall season and thank our customers for their patience and continued support during this difficult time.”

Huy Fong Foods, credited with introducing sriracha sauce to the American market in 1980, faces an uphill battle as droughts continue to wreak havoc on their Mexican suppliers’ chili pepper crops.

Philadelphia Pastor Refuses to Leave Church After Congregation Votes Him Out Wed, 28 Jun 2023 21:27:41 +0000

New Central Baptist Church, a historic institution with a 118-year legacy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is embroiled in a bitter dispute that has divided its congregation.

The conflict revolves around their pastor, Bernard Reaves, whom some members accuse of acting like a dictator and committing a laundry list of offenses, including misappropriating $16,000 of funds designated for emergency church expenses. Despite a majority vote to terminate his position, Reaves refuses to step down, taking advantage of a judge’s ruling that overturned the decision.

Determined not to be silenced, the members of New Central Baptist Church are fighting back. Currently, they have an appeal pending before the Pennsylvania Superior Court, seeking to overturn the judge’s decision. In the meantime, the pastor has resorted to changing the locks on the church, intensifying the battle between him and the congregation.

In Reaves’ recent sermon, livestreamed on Facebook, he welcomed his audience in the name of Jesus and spoke of the church as a place “where the feast of the Lord unfolds.” However, the dwindling viewership of the livestream, with only 49 views as of Monday, suggests that few were partaking in the church’s activities beyond Reaves himself.

The roots of the conflict can be traced back to 2018 when disputes within the church escalated. Dissenting members, including former trustee Barry Canady, argued that Reaves had disregarded long-standing bylaws by unilaterally appointing deacons and a trustee. They also accuse him of meddling in trustee elections and misusing church funds. Furthermore, Reaves allegedly dismissed criticisms stemming from a church survey, labeling them as “out of line with the Word of God.”

In response to Reaves’ actions, the disgruntled members and the church’s board of trustees filed a lawsuit in April 2019, seeking the court’s intervention to remove Reaves as pastor. However, Judge George Overton, presiding over a two-day trial in December 2021, ruled in favor of Reaves, stating that the termination had not followed the church’s bylaws adequately. Overton also deemed Reaves’ notice of termination as insufficient.

The congregation’s hopes for justice now lie with the Pennsylvania Superior Court, which accepted their appeal last October. They aim to reverse Judge Overton’s ruling and restore harmony within the church. However, the legal battle is not the only challenge they face.

The church’s location in South Philadelphia has experienced rapid gentrification, resulting in soaring property prices. Some members expressed concerns that if the conflict persists, the church may be compelled to sell its premises to developers who could convert it into condominiums. With three adjacent condominiums already priced at $2 million each, the fear of losing their cherished place of worship to the forces of gentrification adds an extra layer of urgency to their fight.

Despite the trials they face, members like Barry Canady remain committed to their cause. They refuse to abandon New Central Baptist Church and seek solace elsewhere. Canady staunchly affirms, “God didn’t put it on my heart and mind to go somewhere else. I’m not going to do it. It’s New Central or nothing.”

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Chick-fil-A Is Again America’s Favorite Fast Food Restaurant Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:55:23 +0000

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Chick-fil-A has once again been crowned as America’s favorite restaurant for the ninth consecutive year.

For the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey, which measures the attitudes of Americans towards major restaurants, gave Chick-fil-A an impressive total score of 85, a slight increase from last year’s score of 83. Just behind them is Jimmy John’s, which received a score of 84, making it a close competitor. Fast food giants KFC, Papa John’s and four restaurants — Domino’s, Five Guys, Pizza Hut and Starbucks — tied for fifth place with a score of 78. McDonald’s, on the other hand, finished last with a score of 69.

“The popular chain continues to set the standard with its exceptional combination of food, service and technological quality,” ACSI wrote in a news release.

Chick-fil-A’s website proudly displays their conservative Christian principles, stating their purpose is to “glorify God by faithfully stewarding all that is entrusted to them” and positively influencing everyone who comes in contact with the brand.

San Diego Comic-Con’s Biggest Attraction? A T-Rex Toilet Tue, 27 Jun 2023 22:00:03 +0000

San Diego Comic-Con, the annual geek extravaganza, may be missing some big players like Marvel, Lucasfilm, Sony, and Netflix this year due to the ongoing writer’s strike. But there is one special treat for attendees to make it all worth it: a commemorative toilet, courtesy of the 30th anniversary celebration of Jurassic Park.

Of course, this is no ordinary toilet. This is (a recreated version of) the iconic toilet scene from the original 1993 movie. Remember when the sleazy lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero) is desperately trying to hide from the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Well, you can relive that nail-biting moment yourself, with the T.Rex making a guest appearance, ready to give you the fright of your life. It’s all part of an entire Jurassic Park 30th anniversary fan event that will run on July 21 and 22, the Friday and Saturday of Comic-Con.

If sitting on a porcelain throne isn’t your thing, attendees will also have the opportunity to celebrate the 30th anniversary by stopping by the “Visitor’s Center” to purchase merchandise, encounter their favorite dinosaurs and relive more thrilling moments from the prehistoric park through various immersive experiences.

But let’s face it, the real star of the show is that unforgettable toilet. Picture yourself sitting on the can, a giant dinosaur glaring back at you, capturing the moment for a lifetime of bragging rights. If you want to have a dinosaur scare the crap out of you, head to this link on June 29 at noon ET for a chance at scoring some (free!) tickets.

And remember, while you may not be getting your dose of Marvel trailers and sneak peeks this year, at least you’ll have the chance to create lasting memories with a prehistoric beast and a toilet that has seen things no toilet should ever see.
