Graduate Archives - RELEVANT Life at the intersection of faith and culture. Thu, 28 Dec 2023 20:12:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Graduate Archives - RELEVANT 32 32 214205216 The U.S.’s Largest Christian University Is Facing Yet Another Government Lawsuit for Fraud Thu, 28 Dec 2023 20:12:33 +0000 The Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit against Grand Canyon University, the largest Christian university in America, accusing the institution of deceptive advertising, illegal telemarketing and falsely presenting itself as a nonprofit, officials said this week.

The lawsuit, lodged in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, targets Grand Canyon Education Inc (GCE), its CEO and the university. The FTC alleges the university misled prospective doctoral students about program costs and requirements and engaged in deceptive and abusive telemarketing practices.

According to the FTC, the university, despite its nonprofit claims, has been operated to benefit GCE and its shareholders, with 60% of its revenue going to GCE. Regulatory filings describe the university as a “partner” of GCE.

Officials for the Arizona-based university denied the FTC’s “unsubstantiated allegations” and promised to refute them.

“Given the major problems that exist in higher education… it is baffling that the federal government has chosen to target a Christian university that is addressing those issues in very positive ways,” the university said in a statement.

This is the second government lawsuit GCU is facing in a matter of weeks. In November, the U.S. Department of Education fined the university $37.7 million for misrepresenting the costs of its doctoral programs. A report from the found that fewer than two percent of the school’s doctoral program graduates completed their program within the advertised cost, and almost 78% took five or more continuation courses.

Graduate School and Seminary Application Dos and Don’ts Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:50:42 +0000
When it comes to applying for graduate school or seminary, it’s the details that can make or break you. Here are some little but important things to consider as a prospective student:

  • Start the application process one to one-and-a-half years before you plan to enroll.
  • Try to submit all application materials at one time.
  • Have at least two other people read and proofread your application and essay.
  • Ask for reference letters at least six months before your deadline.
  • Keep a copy of everything you submit.
  • Leave blank spaces. Always leave some explanation for missing information.
  • Put off financial aid and scholarship applications until you are accepted somewhere.
  • Write in script. Type as much as possible, and handwrite carefully in print.
  • Apply and let it lie. Follow up with admissions after a couple weeks.
  • Get too creative with personal essays. Be honest, clear and thorough.
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Energy Drinks: A Student’s Best Friend and Worst Enemy Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:48:41 +0000
An energy drink addiction is practically a prerequisite for students, but most energy drinks contain 200 mg of caffeine—seven times the amount of a can of Coca-Cola. One energy drink can contain 260 calories or more, and just two servings of Red Bull account for 20 percent of your recommended daily sodium. Not to mention the fact that energy drinks are often linked to heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.

The good news? You can still get energy in healthier alternatives. Fatigue is often caused by dehydration, so drink water as much as you can. Don’t skip breakfast, keep healthy snacks like granola on hand and take time to actually sit and enjoy lunch. If you really need the caffeine, a cup of coffee with skim or soy milk is OK. Of course, the best defense against fatigue won’t be found in the refrigerator but in at least seven hours of sleep.

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An Education in Meat? Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:44:44 +0000 There is truly a master’s degree in just about everything nowadays

Maybe a traditional post-graduate education isn’t for you; maybe your special interests demand a different degree. Or maybe you just like raising a couple eyebrows when asked about your studies. If so, here are some of the most unique academic pursuits grad schools have to offer:

Master of Arts in Folklore

The University of California at Berkeley offers courses that “investigate our endless fascination with, attraction to and revulsion at awesome spectacles—displays of the marvelous and monstrous.”

Master of Science in Gaming and Casino Management

It might seem shady, but the rapidly growing industry merited an emphasized hospitality degree from Drexel University.

Master’s in Meat Science

Vegetarians need not apply to this carnivorous college program offered in several livestock states.

Master of Fine Arts in Blacksmithing

The University of Southern Illinois has been churning out expert metalsmiths since 1968.

Master of Science in Packaging

Boxing, bagging and wrapping are more complex than we knew, which is why dozens of schools offer this degree.

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Tips for Saving Some Cash Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:39:14 +0000
Take advantage of free services for students.
Your campus may have many free resources, academic and otherwise. Also, show preference to businesses that offer student discounts.

Share class materials.
Look for students who don’t mind sharing the cost of books, DVDs, technology or other course materials.

Craigslist it up.
What gadgets, furniture or instruments can you afford to live without? Price and post it while you have the nerve.

Talk to your employer.
If you are already in a stable job you’d like to keep, it never hurts to ask if they might honor your commitment and contribute to the cost of your tuition.

Think practically for Christmas or birthdays.
Gift lists are fun—but not always practical. Put thought into what you really need, or ask for financial support.

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Prime Part-Time Jobs Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:28:31 +0000
Perhaps you’re fortunate enough to have a full-time job already, and you’re supporting yourself while back in school. But, if you’re like most people in grad school or seminary, a full course load is preventing you from settling into a career until you have that diploma in hand. In the meantime, there are a number of respectable part-time positions that can help you cover expenses. Here are a few flexible jobs you may not have considered adding to your résumé:

Teacher’s Assistant

If you don’t mind being in the classroom a bit longer, aspiring academics can tutor and teach alongside a professor.
Median part-time salary: $15,000

Fitness Instructor

You’ll likely only have to work a few hours a couple nights a week, and your workout routine won’t go by the wayside.
Median part-time salary:

Library Assistant

Jobs that allow time to catch up on class reading are always a good option.
Median part-time salary: $15,000

Creative Freelancing

You probably need a creative outlet as it is; why not make a little money on your design, photography or writing?
Median part-time salary:

Research Assistant

Check with your university for upcoming research projects that could provide a learning experience and temporary work.
Median part-time salary: $22,000

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MBAs Aren’t Always Business as Usual Mon, 19 Dec 2011 23:17:47 +0000 Many schools now prioritize preparing students for social stewardship

Though many students pursue post-graduate education with hopes of getting a high-paying job or to bolster their résumé during a recession, a lot of them have a greater good in mind. With suffering economies around the world, an increasing emphasis on social justice and a growing knowledge of environmental needs, many students are demanding degrees that allow them to confront these issues—and schools are rising to meet that demand.

For starters, an MBA isn’t just an excuse to put on a suit and tie for class presentations. Beyond Grey Pinstripes, a survey conducted by the Aspen Institute Center for Business Education ranks MBA programs by their social and environmental impact. It looks at the availability of courses that contain social, environmental and ethical content, how often the student is exposed to such content, and how many courses specifically deal with the intersection of social issues in for-profit business. Since 2009, the Aspen Institute has seen a 38 percent increase in how many required courses of finance departments pertain to social, ethical or environmental content.

“The financial crisis caused schools to be more introspective about what they are teaching,” says Judy Samuelson, Aspen’s director of business and society. “They were criticized for being part of the problem, and not part of the solution. And that has created an environment where faculty can innovate and make change.”

About a quarter of graduate degrees are business-related, with another 20 percent of undergraduate degrees falling into this field.
“The reason we are seeing change is that the millennials are demanding it,” Samuelson says. “[They] want business to be seen in the context of the big issues of our day.”

The Top 10 MBA Programs with Social and Environmental Emphasis

1. Stanford Graduate School of Business
2. Univ. of Notre Dame
3. Yale School of Management
4. Northwestern University
5. Univ. of Michigan
6. Cornell University
7. Univ. of North Carolina
8. UC Berkeley
9. GWU School of Business
10. Columbia Business School

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5 Keys for the Perfect Presentation Thu, 16 Dec 2010 22:35:28 +0000

You’ll give a lot of presentations in grad school, so you need to be prepared. As far as we know, there is no immediate solution for blushing during a speech. But as for the rest of your presentation, success is within your control.

Make the most of prep time

There is no such thing as being “over-prepared.” Show up early to set up the room and rehearse in the classroom environment. Don’t wait until the morning of to select and iron an outfit. Practice in front of people who will tell you like it is. The more you have nailed down ahead of time, the less you’ll have to be nervous about in the moment.

Don’t end with a Q&A

It’s alright to open up the floor. But as the speaker, you should always have the last word. After responding to any thoughts from the audience, be sure to offer a solid conclusion that summarizes your main points, rather than awkwardly wrapping up when the questions die out.

Keep your purpose in mind

Are you simply describing a theory—or are you trying to convince an audience of its validity? Don’t just present information; prove a point.

Less is more

Don’t abuse the time and attention of your listeners with information overload. Put the focus on your main points, and keep the rest of your speech brief and easy to digest. For each sentence, ask yourself, “How does this serve the purpose of my presentation?” If it doesn’t, throw it out.

Know your audience

Are you presenting to peers, strangers or superiors? Put careful thought into what they may already know about your subject, what they expect from you and what would motivate their response. Engaging, connecting with and persuading your audience is easier when you’ve tailored your speech to their position in life.

Source: “7 Mistakes Even Smart Presenters Make” by Gina DeLapa, Maestro Consulting Group. Excerpted with permission.

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Be an Online Teacher’s Pet Fri, 19 Nov 2010 01:46:18 +0000

Many opt for online courses in graduate school, as it allows for a long-distance education from the college of your choice, and eases the balance of work, home and school life. But a digital education also requires a different kind of diligence. Here are a few tips to maintaining motivation in the virtual classroom:

Time yourself

How long does it take you to go through course lectures and materials? How soon can you complete an assignment? Tracking your progress will help you in scheduling your various responsibilities and encourage productivity.

Get ready for class

While you may be tempted to sleep in and write your papers in pajamas, you’re more likely to take things seriously if you get up on time, get dressed, eat a good breakfast or exercise before sitting down at the computer.


Turn off your cell phone. Resist the urge to repeatedly check social networking sites. Treat your class as “class time” alone. Those Facebook notifications aren’t going anywhere.

Make friends

As much as possible, participate in forum discussions, chats and video conferencing. You may not be looking for a new BFF, but this interaction provides accountability, and these relationships could be a valuable resource.


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You Might Be a Grad Student If … Thu, 18 Nov 2010 22:07:17 +0000

You can tell the time of day by looking at the traffic flow at the library.

You regard ibuprofen as a vitamin.

You carry at least three bags to campus.

You respond out loud to whatever you’re reading, 
as if the text could hear you.

You live below the poverty line—by choice.

You are on a first-name basis with the night-shift janitorial crew of your academic building.

You eat the garnishes on the snack tables at conferences because that is the only time you have access to fresh fruit.

You are staying in school simply to avoid paying off the tens of thousands of dollars you owe the government in student loans.

You think communicating with God would be cited under “interview.”

Your significant other (who’s not a grad student) says that they thought your Chicago Manual of Style was about fashion.

Your roommate forgets she has a roommate but wonders where all the peanut butter has gone.

Free food is the highlight of your day.

Sleeping in means waking up at 8:30.

You are startled to meet people who neither need, nor want to read.

You can identify universities by their Internet domains.

You are constantly looking for theses in novels.

Your have a favorite flavor of instant noodle.

You cancel your cable to pay your photocopy bill.

You actually take the time to compile a “you might be a grad student if …” list.

You are reading this.

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